VERSELE-LAGA ORO-DIGEST 150gr. Good intestinal flora. Birds, Canaries, Exotic.
There are bacterias in the bird´s digestive tract which are essential for a good digestion. Good bacteria predominate in a healthy bird. However if pathogenic bacteria predominate, the bird will have watering dropping resulting in a loss of large amounts of fluids and electrolytes. Administrating antibiotics kills both good and pathogenic bacteria.
Oro-Digest serves as a prebiotic or food for the good intestinal flora and will ensure that the pathogenic bacteria are no longer able to adhere to the intestinal awl so that the natural intestinal flora can recover and the digestion proceeds normaly again.
- Prevents the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines.
- Ensures a better consistency of the droppings.
- Promotes hygienic nests.
- Prevents the cloaca feathers from sticking together.
- Therapy (treatment dosage): 1 level measure (4 gr) per 100 gr of eggfood.
- If watery droppings or diarrhoea: admonister fot 5 consecutive days.
- From the hatching of the chicks: until they can eat independently.
- When the birds are exposed to unusual stressful situations: at all the times.
- For a show: for 4 days before basketing.
- 150gr