Feed supplement with vitamins, amino-acids, honey and glucose
The importance of Flugfit lies in the special processing, because the drug combination will be released only after hours and is the dove force for the flight home.
Flugfit contains
- vitamins,
- amino acids,
- trace elements,
- glutamine
- lecithin,
important material for strength, endurance and focus.
- For short flights of up to 250 km, place Flugfit coated tablet deep into the troat of each pigeon in the mornig the day before the flight.
- For medium flights up to 500 km, administer Flugfit tablets at noon the day before the flight.
- For ong flights covering over 500 km, insert Flugfit tablets upon basketing
During transport in the compartment express, the special processing of the tablets proves its worth: their coating dissolves very slowly. The active ingredients remain unused in the table core. This is called delayed release.
The tablet coating insn't dissolved until just before the start - the active ingredients are released and can enter the pigeon's blood.
Now the pigeon is on its way home. A certain portion of the active ingredients dissolves immediately and provides energy to the animal, whereas the rest unfolds its effect later, during the flight.
The pigeons return to the loft looking surprisingly fresh and not at all "flight-weary".
PACK SIZE: 60 pills.