Liver Protectors
PHP Metachol 1000ml, (protects the liver and kidneys and helps digestion)
$44.50 -
Versele-Laga Avi-Chol 250ml (liver tonic)
$24.00Agotado. Pre-order AHORA. Más unidades en caminoOut of stock
PHP Metachol 500ml, (protects the liver and kidneys and helps digestion)
$28.75Agotado. Pre-order AHORA. Más unidades en camino -
GreenVet Apasyl Plus 500gr, (Liver protector; Contains thistle and Coline)
$22.49Agotado. Pre-order AHORA. Más unidades en caminoOut of stock
Dr Coutteel Hepato-Chol 250ml, (to support the metabolism and moulting)
$24.24Agotado. Pre-order AHORA. Más unidades en camino -
Prowins Superchol Plus, (Total protection of the liver and kidneys in racing pigeons)
Starting at: $14.29
Herbots Te (protects the kidneys, liver and intestinal flora)
$27.08 -
Belgica De Weerd Sedochol Plus 1L (Detoxifies the liver and blood)
$34.62. -
Rohnfried Sedochol 500ml (Detoxification of blood and liver). Pigeons Products
$17.95Out of stock
Tollisan Tollisol Plus 1L (Sedochol Ⓡ Plus) For pigeons and birds
$37.00 -
GreenVet Apasyl 50ml, (Liver protector; Contains thistle and Coline)
$14.25Estimated Availability: 1-3 weeks -
Avianvet Hepatic Plus 125gr, (liver protector powder form)
$13.75 -
Dr Coutteel Hepato-Chol 500ml, (to support the metabolism and moulting)
$48.80 -
Avizoon COLINA Ca-P 30ml, (hepatic and digestive problems).
$7.79Out of stock
Akumi Jap Kanzo 100 ml, (highly effective liver and kidney protector)